October 2019 - Page 2 of 2 - Capital City College Group
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Start Up Step Up London – Free Entrepreneur and Business Skills Support

Friday 1 November 2019
Regent’s Park Centre, Longford Street, NW1 3HB

Do you have a business idea that you would like to pursue to become self-employed?

The Start Up Step Up London programme, through Capital City College Training, can help you get started.

A carefully structured programme will help provide you with the opportunity to attend workshops and training sessions that will give you the tools to bring your business to life.

Mentor and Coach for 6 Months
You will have a dedicated business mentor who has been where you are now, who will give you advice and guidance.

You’ll also get a dedicated entrepreneurial coach to support you on your journey for 6 months.

You will have access to hot desks and co-working spaces to develop your business.

The course starts on 4 November 2019 – find out more at this initial pre-course session.

Apprenticeships: Developing your Sector Conference

Wednesday 27 November 2019
Victoria Centre, Vincent Square, SW1P 2PD

Our ‘Developing your Sector’ conference will provide you with an overview of the organisations current position and future goals.

There will be a selection of employer presentations, relating to their experience and the success of their apprenticeship programmes, with the opportunity to join a sector based break-out session to discuss your sector needs, such as delivery models, future standards, commercial courses and functional skills, further.

This event will be a great opportunity to network with companies within your sector, have an impact on how your sector can be developed, gain a better understanding of the Levy Transfer and SME’s access to the apprenticeship service and to understand how Capital City College Training can best support your business moving forward.

Enrico has the Stomach for a Business Career!

Westminster Kingsway College student Enrico Rizzi is celebrating this morning after winning big at the inaugural Westminster Business Council Awards.

Enrico won the Most Outstanding Young Person in Business category for his work – with fellow student Alan Manni – to create a brand new crispy snack called Polenties, which mixes polenta with a secret blend of Japanese Nori seaweed and other flavours to create a healthy snack.

Polenta is Italian in origin and is made from ground cornmeal. It’s a carbohydrate, 100% gluten-free, vegetarian, is low in fat and has many other health benefits. After Enrico discovered he had a gluten intolerance last year, he wanted to create a product that was accessible for everyone regardless of their intolerances and lifestyle choices, so Polenties is also suitable for people who are vegetarians and celiac, vegan and dairy intolerant.

The Westminster Business Council Awards took place on 22 October 2019 at The National Liberal Club in London’s Whitehall. The awards celebrate talent, ingenuity, innovation and business excellence in Westminster, and showcased the significance of Westminster as an outstanding place to do business.

Enrico told us: “I was inspired to create Polenties by the story of Fernando Rizzi, my great great grandfather. My grandmother told me that just after the second world war, when food was a luxury and people had to find ways to survive on what little they had, my grandfather was struggling to provide for his wife and child. Fernando thought of making a type of polenta bread, as polenta was both cheap and available at that time. From this he then experimented with different ingredients making cakes and even crisps, which is where our idea for Polenties came from.”

Having developed their product, Enrico and Alan researched their target markets carefully and analysed the very tough snack market, where established giants like Walkers and Pringles make it very hard for new entrants to break in to the market.

Enrico is justifiably proud of his product: “Our Polenties have a great flavour and a bold design; our packaging is bold we are proud to stand out. With our sachets inside giving the Italian polenta a Japanese tang, the two flavours complement each other like a ying to a yang!”

Enrico learned his catering skills at Westminster Kingsway College, studying for three years at on our Professional Chef Diploma course, which has been the springboard for many people to a successful culinary career, from Jamie Oliver and Ainsley Harriott to Ben Murphy and Sophie Wright. He is now on our Foundation Degree course in Culinary Arts and Business Management which will lead on him onto a Bachelor’s Degree.

Enrico says: “On the course, we learn about the science in food and how its shapes our world, food development and the development of food trends. We also explore gastronomy, dietary and religious requirements. We also learn about the HR side of the hospitality world, for example reviewing CVs, marketing strategies, Porter’s Five Forces analysis, and managing people and a team.

As well as the theory, Enrico has also a lot of practical retail and culinary experience, working in retail for Nespresso after being headhunted from John Lewis & Partners, and in catering roles at Hampton Court Palace and the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in Westminster.

So what’s next for Polenties? Enrico says: “I am still trying to perfect the product and how it’s made, so that it can be batch produced and to a consistent quality every time. I am also working closely with Wendy from the college and William – a marketing and production mentor who Wendy brought in to support me. I hope that in the near future Polenties will be hitting the shelves in a shop near you!”

Enrico has the stomach for a business career!

Westminster Kingsway College student Enrico Rizzi is celebrating this morning after winning big at the inaugural Westminster Business Council Awards.

Enrico won the Most Outstanding Young Person in Business category for his work – with fellow student Alan Manni – to create a brand new crispy snack called Polenties, which mixes polenta with a secret blend of Japanese Nori seaweed and other flavours to create a healthy snack.

Polenta is Italian in origin and is made from ground cornmeal. It’s a carbohydrate, 100% gluten-free, vegetarian, is low in fat and has many other health benefits. After Enrico discovered he had a gluten intolerance last year, he wanted to create a product that was accessible for everyone regardless of their intolerances and lifestyle choices, so Polenties is also suitable for people who are vegetarians and celiac, vegan and dairy intolerant.

The Westminster Business Council Awards took place on 22 October 2019 at The National Liberal Club in London’s Whitehall. The awards celebrate talent, ingenuity, innovation and business excellence in Westminster, and showcased the significance of Westminster as an outstanding place to do business.

Enrico told us: “I was inspired to create Polenties by the story of Fernando Rizzi, my great great grandfather. My grandmother told me that just after the second world war, when food was a luxury and people had to find ways to survive on what little they had, my grandfather was struggling to provide for his wife and child. Fernando thought of making a type of polenta bread, as polenta was both cheap and available at that time. From this he then experimented with different ingredients making cakes and even crisps, which is where our idea for Polenties came from.”

Having developed their product, Enrico and Alan researched their target markets carefully and analysed the very tough snack market, where established giants like Walkers and Pringles make it very hard for new entrants to break in to the market.

Enrico is justifiably proud of his product: “Our Polenties have a great flavour and a bold design; our packaging is bold we are proud to stand out. With our sachets inside giving the Italian polenta a Japanese tang, the two flavours complement each other like a ying to a yang!”

Enrico learned his catering skills at Westminster Kingsway College, studying for three years at on our Professional Chef Diploma course, which has been the springboard for many people to a successful culinary career, from Jamie Oliver and Ainsley Harriott to Ben Murphy and Sophie Wright. He is now on our Foundation Degree course in Culinary Arts and Business Management which will lead on him onto a Bachelor’s Degree.

Enrico says: “On the course, we learn about the science in food and how its shapes our world, food development and the development of food trends. We also explore gastronomy, dietary and religious requirements. We also learn about the HR side of the hospitality world, for example reviewing CVs, marketing strategies, Porter’s Five Forces analysis, and managing people and a team.

As well as the theory, Enrico has also a lot of practical retail and culinary experience, working in retail for Nespresso after being headhunted from John Lewis & Partners, and in catering roles at Hampton Court Palace and the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in Westminster.

So what’s next for Polenties? Enrico says: “I am still trying to perfect the product and how it’s made, so that it can be batch produced and to a consistent quality every time. I am also working closely with Wendy from the college and William – a marketing and production mentor who Wendy brought in to support me. I hope that in the near future Polenties will be hitting the shelves in a shop near you!”

CANDI Partner with London Met To Help Students Achieve University Dreams

Seven students from City and Islington College have progressed onto university as part of a new partnership with London Metropolitan University.

Ahead of the new academic year, seven of our HND Healthcare students learnt of their unconditional offers to study at London Met. For most, this comes after four years of hard work at the college’s Centre for Health, Social and Childcare on Holloway Road. 

Curriculum leader Samia Abed said: “Many of our students come from very deprived backgrounds or do not speak English as a first language. Some of them came to us with Level 1 and 2 skills (equivalent to GCSEs) and had to start with the basics – English and Maths or Functional Skills. Some took their Maths & English GCSEs here with us while on another course. They have gone through a lot of reflection, patience and hard work to get to where they are today and it’s great to see them rewarded for their efforts.”

Anthony Atuanya, Hanan Abubakr, Iwona Lichota, Khatol Sharifi, Mamie Bwaka, Orvilla Johnson and Yinka Mark joined the new London Met freshers cohort this autumn, allowing them to complete the Level 6 aspect of the three year Higher Education programme. This represents the final stage of their degrees, with graduation expected in summer next year.

Yinka, who is now in her first year of a BA Honours degree, said: “My personal experience at City and Islington College was a period of my life that I cannot forget because of the positive role my teachers played, enabling me to pursue my dream.”

Over the last few years, the college has built relationships with local healthcare providers, including Moorfields Eye Hospital near Old Street and the Whittington Hospital in Archway. Student Orville Johnson currently works at the former, accessed through her college course. Staff tell us that the opportunity to gain work experience in their chosen industries has been a strong aid in helping students towards their end goals. Samia adds:

“Working in the hospitals helped them to see where their hard work was going. We have a different type of student that comes to us. They have different needs, but they are very ambitious. We organised workshops out of college time to help our students get the most out of their lessons. We ran some extra classes on academic writing and are happy to see them go on to achieve their goals.

“As teachers, it was very rewarding to see students leave notes like ‘I love you’ on the whiteboard at the end of the year. We have worked really closely with them over the last four years and hope to continue supporting them as they move into their careers.”

Iwona Lichota started with us at Level 1 and progressed right through to Level 5.  She is now studying at London Met and told us: “Having a college education is an important and positive achievement for me. My teachers at City and Islington College, Samia, Mel and Bez were the best. They supported me all the time and I’m grateful to them. Thank you.”

As part of the deal between City and Islington College and London Met, each year at higher-level costs only £6,000, as opposed to the usual £9,000. The agreement aims to help students from diverse backgrounds to access top-tier careers.

Discovery Channel ‘blown away’ by CONEL’s Media and ICT students

Discovery Channel UK held their annual Impact Day on September 20, 2019. As part of a company-wide initiative, employees run community events across the world to benefit the local communities they work within. The College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London was lucky enough to have Discovery Channel employees come in and run an employability workshop with our Media and ICT students.

The employability workshop focused on key skills that employers in the Creative Media and ICT industries are looking for, as well as giving insights into various career pathways within the respective industries.

In the workshop, the students split into two groups and were asked to create a product roadmap that outlined the key milestones when designing and building a digital service, designed exclusively for the 2020 Olympics on Eurosport.

The groups developed platforms to be released 100 days before the 2020 Olympics with the aims of driving subscribers, and creating enthusiasm and engagement. They also had to figure out how to promote the platform, whether this was through social media, email campaigns or other forms of media.

When asked about the workshop, Media student Ellis Bocking said: “The main thing we learnt today was the tips and tricks from experts in the media. They were teaching us how to be creative in different ways and in different areas within a creative team. You may be working in the analytical team with the numbers, but you still have to be creative in how you display and report them.” 

Leader of the ICT workshop and Discovery’s Digital Product Manager, Paul Usherwood, said: “The students blew me away. I thought the task was going to be too difficult, but it was great to see the amazing ideas they came up with in their groups, creating a plan targeted at different countries and cultures around the world.

“Their engagement was really good. I could see that the task was getting them to think and dream big. Within the workshop we focused on collaboration by working within groups and they had to listen to each other, but then they also had to work out how to document everything. The task definitely pushed their boundaries.”

Quality & Learner Experience Manager and organiser of the event Anthony Robinson, said: “Events likes these help our learners not only in the classroom but out in the real world. This workshop has helped all participating students develop both creative and collaborative skills that will be key when pursuing a career after college.”

We’re the First College to win a Careers and Enterprise Company Award

Westminster Kingsway College’s Careers and Employability team are celebrating being crowned winners at the Careers and Enterprise Company Awards. We are the first-ever further education college to win at the awards, which recognise and celebrates the work of colleges, schools, businesses and careers professionals.

The team won the ‘Most Progress from a School or College’ category in a ceremony at the end of September at the Royal Society of Chemistry in Piccadilly, London. This category received the most entries of any of the award categories with over 30 entries.

The judges praised the college’s employer partnerships and the inclusive policies of our new careers strategy, which demonstrated “clear progress and strategic direction” towards achieving the Gatsby Benchmarks. The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework for good career guidance in schools and other education providers.

In a statement, the judging panel said of Westminster Kingsway College: “This FE college has established a very thorough programme with an impressive relationship with employers who are now involved in shaping the curriculum. Vulnerable learners and those with complex needs are at the forefront of planning.”

Speaking about the award, WestKing Principal Kim Caplin said: “We are absolutely delighted to have won. It’s real recognition of all the hard work, time and dedication that the Careers and Employability team, and colleagues from across the college, have put in over the last two years to improve our approach to the careers advice that we provide to our students. I am really proud of the Careers and Employability team’s role in helping students make their next step with confidence, wherever that may be.”

WestKing’s Careers and Employability Lead, Carlo Liu said: “We put the learner at the centre of our service. From the moment they start their journey with us, they have information and careers guidance on their next steps and how they can progress. We have moved towards a whole college approach, with an emphasis on broadening horizons and equipping our learners with the skills to progress onto positive outcomes, whether it be University, Apprenticeships or fulltime work.”

WestKing’s Careers and Progression Lead, Charlotte Hoets added: “With college director Jasbir Sondhi, we created a new careers strategy, aligned to the eight Gatsby Benchmarks. This ensures we are working to best practise standards, established by the valuable research undertaken by the Gatsby Foundation and supported by Government strategy on careers education, information, advice and guidance.”

A photo of Westminster Kingsway College's Careers and Employability team.
Some of WestKing’s winning Careers and Employability team

The recent National Student Survey [an annual poll which asks learners about their school, college or university] found that every single one of the WestKing students who they asked, knew their next steps and that 87% knew where to get advice on what to do next.

Back in 2017/18, two new careers leaders were appointed; an Employability Lead evaluates and enhances employer partnerships and has developed a programme across curriculums, while a Careers and Progression Lead focuses on personal guidance and progression. We also introduced a tutorial scheme of learning, to support the delivery of careers education in the classroom. Activities included a one-to-one service, employer visits, a university fair, and Q&A sessions.

We work with a host of organisations, from Career Ready and Goldman Sachs to Salesforce, ITN, The Ritz Hotel, Harrods and more. One of our many employer partners is the construction firm Willmott Dixon. Matthew Weatherby, regional community engagement manager at Willmott Dixon Construction, provided a testimonial about our work for the award’s judges. He said: “We support the construction skills learners with an employability programme, work placements, workplace and site visits, and the annual apprenticeship fair. With the employability lead, we identified the key challenge of ensuring learners have the actual skills they need to get onto apprenticeship jobs and implemented the programme to address this. Last year we had 12 successful placements and next year we hope to double this number and continue expanding the employability programme.”

Queen's Award for Enterprise
FE Team of the Year