WestKing’s School of Culinary Arts and Hospitality win Silver in Pearson National Teaching Awards 2024 - CCCG
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WestKing’s School of Culinary Arts and Hospitality win Silver in Pearson National Teaching Awards 2024

Staff take centre stage as WestKing’s Hospitality and Culinary Arts Team wins Silver for FE Team of the Year.

WestKing’s School of Culinary Arts and Hospitality win Silver in Pearson National Teaching Awards 2024

The team behind Westminster Kingsway College’s (WestKing) School of Culinary Arts and Hospitality have been awarded Silver in the Pearson National Teaching Awards 2024 for FE Team of the Year.

Following the announcement of shortlisted candidates in March, the Silver winners were announced on 19 June, to coincide with Thank a Teacher Day.

The accolade of FE Team of the Year recognises the Hospitality and Culinary Arts Team as a driving force behind the school’s reputation for excellence. Each team member brings a wealth of expertise, experience and industry connections, which directly contributes to comprehensive and enriching programmes for students.

WestKing’s School of Culinary Arts and Hospitality win Silver in Pearson National Teaching Awards 2024

The award also highlights the impact of the team’s dedication to their work, enabling the School of Culinary Arts and Hospitality to offer an exceptional array of opportunities such as:

This exposure adds immense value to students’ learning experience, equipping them with essential practical skills and industry insights.

The Pearson Awards said: “The exceptional teamwork exhibited by this team is characterised by collaboration, innovation, and a shared commitment to student success. Despite the diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise among team members, they work seamlessly together towards a common goal of providing the best possible education for their students.”

WestKing’s School of Culinary Arts and Hospitality win Silver in Pearson National Teaching Awards 2024

The team and their guests will be able to celebrate their success in July at a special Silver Winners Afternoon Tea hosted by Pearson National Teaching Awards. They will also remain in the running as finalists for the Gold Award, which will be announced at the Pearson National Teaching Award Ceremony in November.

Paul Jervis, Head of Hospitality and Culinary Arts at WestKing, said: “Winning the Silver Standard in the FE Team of the Year awards is a testament to our unwavering dedication, exceptional teamwork, and relentless pursuit of excellence. This recognition reflects the hard work and passion of each team member, and we are honoured to be acknowledged among the best in the field. Together, we will continue to innovate and push the boundaries of what we can achieve.”

Congratulations to everyone at the School of Culinary Arts and Hospitality on winning Silver at the 2024 Pearson National Teaching Awards!

To begin your learning journey with our award-winning team, explore the courses on offer at WestKing’s School of Culinary Arts and Hospitality.


Queen's Award for Enterprise
FE Team of the Year