Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - Capital City College Group
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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

At Capital City College Group we celebrate and value the diversity brought to our workforce and student body by individuals, and we are committed to meeting the needs of a diverse learner population within a multi-cultural society. We seek to ensure that individuals and communities have access to learning opportunities and facilities and to play an active role in community cohesion.

We do not tolerate any kind of discrimination or harassment on the grounds of age, class, disability, economic or social background, ethnic origin, gender, gender identity, marital status, pregnancy and maternity, religion or sexual orientation.

We work with our students and staff to create a truly inclusive environment where diversity and difference are celebrated and everyone is treated with dignity. Our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion is aimed to help ensure we are the first choice for students, staff, employers and partners.

The group attracts students from all over the world who are seeking a first-rate education and we recognise our responsibility to provide a positive and inspiring experience in terms of equality, diversity and inclusion.

Policies and Reports

Please visit our policies, reports and strategies to view our equality, diversity and inclusion policies, reports and key documents.

Queen's Award for Enterprise
FE Team of the Year