Hannah Fenton, Author at Capital City College Group - Page 35 of 62
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Former Student Returns to Share Memories of CONEL

The College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London in its present form dates back to August 2009. Tony Papard, 75, from Battersea, attended the then Tottenham Technical College from 1958-1961. Here, he shares his memories after recently visiting the college for the first time since his studies.

Tell us about your early life

I was born in central London and first grew up in West Hampstead. At the age of six my parents split up and we moved in with my maternal grandparents in Bowes Park, Wood Green, and later a council flat behind Alexandra Park in 1957. I went to St Mary’s Church of England Primary School in Kilburn, Beaumaris School, which was a girls’ school but took boys up to the age of seven, and then Bounds Green Junior School and Bounds Green Secondary Modern School.

When did you study at the college?

I studied at Tottenham Technical College from 1958-1961. Back then the college took students from the age of 13, so from then until school leaving age it was an ordinary school. I stayed on with others for a year of further education.

What did you study?

My senior school was a secondary modern with no choice of subjects to be studied. I could not get on with woodwork or metalwork, so took an entrance exam to go on a commercial course at the college. The first two years were a continuation of our regular schooling, so all normal subjects were taught such as geography, religious instruction (i.e. Christian), history, English, English literature, maths plus the commercial subjects, which included bookkeeping, typing and Pitman’s shorthand. When I stayed on the extra year to take my exams the normal subjects were dropped. There were mainly girls in the class and six boys mainly wanting to become chartered accountants. I took my GCE O Levels and RSA Stage II exams and passed in all subjects, except English Literature.

What was the college building like back then and how has it changed?

After so many decades the college has changed almost beyond recognition. There was only the main building and the smaller tower block then with an assembly hall between two quadrangles, one of which has gone. The one behind the main façade, was where we could take breaks. Apart from the doorway at the south end of the main building, where we used to come in, and the corridors and windows, it’s very different to what I remember. I believe there was a cafeteria somewhere at the top of the main building, but I cannot recall what kind of meals they served. The Drama Hall is now an open area whereas before it was divided into separate classrooms. The newer parts of the college, including the taller tower block, workshops and reception area were all added long after I left. Where The Salon is now was an archway leading to the smaller tower block. The old library, where I used to spend spare periods reading copies of the National Geographic, has been replaced by the new one, as have the old gym and changing rooms.

What were lessons like at that time?

Most lessons were in classrooms of about 30 pupils with blackboards, many of which were the vertically rotating kind. Boys and girls were separated in classrooms. We sat at desks and had to use fountain pens as ballpoints were not allowed. We had some lessons in the lecture room in the original tower block. Debate was not encouraged. Lessons were mostly dictated, and with one teacher it was a case of copying down his scribble on the blackboards before it was all erased. There was a weekly walk to Tottenham Marshes where some of the other boys played football. Once they asked me to be linesman. I had no idea what that meant, so laid down at the side of the pitch and went to sleep. They never asked me again! There was a visit to the Old Vic to see Macbeth. For some reason I decided not to go with them, which I later regretted.

What do you remember about your teachers?

My teachers included Mr Owen, who was very strict for the first two years but then after the summer break changed completely and spent most of his lessons telling us about his time growing up in Wales. There was also Mr Watters, who taught geography, He had a paralysed arm and looked like Oliver Hardy. Then there was the timid Miss Lincey, who taught us from Religious Instruction, who would have been better suited to teaching in a primary school as we made fun of her mercilessly. One day, another teacher, Mr Tate, had fountain pen ink sprinkled on his jacket and we were hauled before Mrs Wright, the department head.

Tony’s report sheets from Tottenham Technical College

Who was your favourite teacher and why?

Mr Owen was probably my favourite. I recall he once said that in future we would remember we once had a teacher named Owen, who if we’d listened to more attentively, we would have been more successful. I am still not sure how he thought his stories of his boyhood in Wales would help us have successful careers!

Did anything you learnt at college stick with you?

It was while Mr Owen was teaching me commerce that I decided capitalism was evil and read Karl Marx’s Capital, which led me to become a lifelong socialist, joining the British Communist Party for a short time in the late 1960s.

What did you do when you left college?

My family moved to Welwyn Garden City during the last few months at college. While other leaving students received careers advice, I did not because I had moved to another county. I ended up working as a clerk for a printers and after a year got a bookkeeping job at the headquarters of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) in London, which I loved, and stayed there for six years. I recall one of my college teachers, Mr Dent, saw me on a CND march and said he approved. I also worked as an International Telegraph Operator with the Post Office and later as a Telex Operator for a number of organisations. I met my ‘husband’ George in 1970 and we were together 21 years until he passed in 1991. We had a very loving relationship and travelled the world together. He got me away from the Communist Party and after that we both got jobs with Amnesty International at different times. I later took early retirement to look after my late mother. I now write regular articles for Roots magazine and have self-published several books, including a memoir and short stories.

Robin Hindley, Vice Principal of CONEL, said: “It’s always great to hear of people’s life stories and how the work of colleges impacts on them for the rest of their lives. Tony’s life story shows how the impact of individual teachers can shape the choices we make and the careers available to us. And how great it is to come across people from the past on your continuing journey, as he did on the CND march.

“In its current form, CONEL remains a local college, giving local residents opportunities to learn new skills and look for new careers. Much has changed in the buildings and resources on the site, but we’re still committed to supporting local people to get on in life. These days, our teachers aren’t known as Mr this or Mrs that, but they work as hard as they can to help their students to be confident with the skills they’re learning so that they can go out and get the job of their dreams. We’re very proud of our students and staff and we know that we’re creating lifelong memories for many of them on their journeys through life.”

Are you a former student? Tell us your memories and experiences of CONEL and where you are now – contact marketing@conel.ac.uk

Former Student Secures Finance Apprenticeship with JP Morgan

A former student of City and Islington College has told how he secured a degree apprenticeship with financial giant JP Morgan. Jamil Rashid, 19, gained a place with the finance company in September after a rigorous selection process that included an assessment, networking event and video interview.

He said: “I wasn’t sure university was for me, especially when I started to find out more about apprenticeships. People were working, earning and studying towards qualifications as well, which suited me a lot more.

“When I reached Year 13, I made a real effort to apply for apprenticeships and did a lot of research to get in. I applied for 10 to 15 apprenticeships. I knew at the end of the day it was a numbers game, and if I applied for enough there was a good chance I would get an offer.”

Jamil achieved A Levels in Maths, Economics and Psychology at CANDI before a year-long apprenticeship with KPMG, auditing accounts for clients including the NHS, Save The Children UK and Residential Management Group. In his role as a CIB Operations Apprentice at JP Morgan he is currently working on the trading floor while studying for a BSc Applied Finance with the University of Exeter.

Jamil said: “My degree is directly related to my job role. Everything I am learning at university I can apply to work at JP Morgan. I think this is the best way. Doing an apprenticeship, I get to experience the best of both worlds.

“I don’t feel I’m missing out on the whole university experience because I’m still getting a Russell Group university degree.”

While at college Jamil had the opportunity speak to representatives from the UK’s top 100 employers at the Rate My Apprenticeships Awards in 2018, where CANDI’s Careers Co-ordinator Jo Bishop won the Outstanding Contribution to Apprenticeships award.

Jamil said: “It was a really good opportunity to broaden my apprenticeship knowledge and meet some big, key people in the industry.”

He admitted the application process at JP Morgan was tough with competition from hundreds of applicants from across the UK.

Jamil said: “JP Morgan to tend to hire very high level, intelligent, successful people and I knew that kind of environment would help me to thrive and develop myself on a personal and professional level. You’re competing against students across the country and you’ve just got to want it more it than them, and work harder than them. Once I got to the stage where I’d met a few managers and saw the office and what I’d potentially be doing, that’s when I felt truly inspired.”

Jamil added that there are a lot of perks and benefits to his apprenticeship, which has given him the chance to travel around London and work with different teams and clients.

His advice to those looking for an apprenticeship is begin researching the roles and companies you are applying for at the earliest opportunity.

He said: “Start early because many apprenticeships are closed or applications are being processed because companies want to get people hired before the exams period. A lot pf people don’t know what they are applying for and what an apprenticeship entails. People think that accounting is just numbers, but if you understand these jobs and what these apprenticeships are about, you’ll be quite surprised. It’ll often change your perception of certain industries.”

CANDI’s Careers Service provides a wide range of information, support, guidance and events throughout the year to help students achieve their career ambitions.

Janet Willoughby, Careers Adviser at CANDI, said: “Jamil was a very determined young man who definitely made use of the careers service every step of the way, from his CV and rebranding himself to making himself known and saying the right things at all times. Something we impart on all our students is to put themselves out there and try. Jamil did just that, and it is no surprise to us that he gone on to get an apprenticeship with JP Morgan. We are all very proud of him and wish him continued success in his career.”

Find out more about A Levels at CANDI and apply online today.

CANDI Students Achieve Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) is a programme aimed at helping 14-24 year olds gain new skills, confidence and employment. During this unprecedented year, two A Level students from our Sixth Form College, Keira Reid and Emily Jeffery, share their experiences of gaining the Silver award during the lockdown.

Keira Reid

“I gained the DofE Bronze award at secondary school and enjoyed it so much that I wanted to carry on and achieve the Silver award while at CANDI. I thought it would be a good way to meet new people and it aligned well with my A Levels. 

“Reading was my chosen ‘skill’ and I worked out at the gym for the physical aspect of my DofE. I worked out with my mum; we were both aiming to get fit and she helped keep me motivated. Making my local area a cleaner space is something I’m passionate about, so I volunteered as a litter picker to help the community. My local park is near a primary school where lots of children play and I focussed on this area. 

“When lockdown hit, I had to switch from litter picking to helping my 10 year old brother with his schoolwork. This involved teaching him new concepts and helping him adjust to studying online. It was really rewarding. I learnt patience and how to teach new concepts slowly and simply.  

“I also had to start working out at home instead of the gym. It was very easy during lockdown to become lazy and unfit, so I made my whole family get involved. It became a fun way to have family time. The DofE helped me use the time during lockdown productively. It helped me be more active and learn time management. I also started reading more, which helped keep me in a positive frame of mind.

“My advice to anyone considering taking part in the DofE is to choose activities that align with what you’re already interested in. It’s really fun and there’s an amazing camping trip at the end of the year which is where I created some of my best memories.”

Emily Jeffery

“When I started at CANDI, I saw on the list of enrichment activities that the DofE was offered, and I really wanted to get the Silver award. I knew it would be a good way to try new activities whilst at college. 

“I was originally volunteering at a children’s club, helping set up and run different activities, games, managing refreshments and sometimes a tuck shop. The gym was my chosen activity for the physical, and baking for the skills section. 

“When lockdown happened, the children’s club was cancelled so I decided to help my younger siblings with schoolwork as I already had experience working with children. Baking was easy to do at home and I simply sent my assessors pictures each week, rather than bringing in cakes for them to try. 

“I’ve learnt how to adapt to change and be more flexible. I had to manage my time and organise myself. It was down to me to do complete and document activities each week during lockdown. Doing the DofE has made me more resilient. You need commitment and perseverance to complete the award. If you’re considering it, it’s definitely worth it!”

The DofE Award is just one of a wide range of enrichment activities that students can do while they are studying at CANDI.

Students Get Inside Story on Journalism with Young Reporter Scheme

Budding journalists at City and Islington College have been putting their newswriting skills into action on this year’s Young Reporter Scheme. The scheme, run by Newsquest, the second largest regional news publisher in the country, gives students the chance to experience what it’s like to work on a real newspaper.

Students are given deadlines to produce one article a month between September and April each year, which are published on local newspaper websites. At the end of the scheme, they can submit three of their articles to be judged by Newsquest with winning reports also featuring on the Young Reporter Scheme website.

Ten A Level students from CANDI are taking part in the scheme and their reports have already started appearing on the This is Local London website.

Fatima Blakemore, 16, has had an article published on Child Action Poverty Group’s Don’t Zap the Zip campaign to keep free travel for young people in London, and another on the importance of Black History Month. She said: “Journalism is a career I’ve been interested in for a while. The experience I’ve had on the Young Reporter Scheme has been great. I’ve had the freedom to write about things happening around me and raise awareness of important issues.

“Save the Zip is something I’ve been raising awareness about on my social media for a while now. So, when this opportunity came around I knew straightaway this is something I’d want to write about. For the article on Black History Month I wanted to find a local angle. It occurred to me that Diane Abbott is MP for North Hackney and Stoke Newington and was the first black woman to be elected to the House of Commons, so I decided to focus on her life and the need for more education on black history.

“It’s quite strange to see my name next to these articles, but it’s great to have a platform to write about things I care about.”

Khadijah Kaher, 16, who wrote a report to raise awareness of mental health, said: “I have written one article and another one is soon to be published. I’ve been able to express my opinions, improve my writing skills and share information about events that not all people have knowledge of. 

“The idea for my first article came from World Mental Health Day. Mental health is an issue that many people face nowadays, and I wanted to create an article that would spread awareness about it. It’s exciting seeing my article online.”

The Young Reporter Scheme has been running for 12 years and is open to all students aged 14 to 18 and each year thousands take part in the scheme. A selection of students’ articles will also be published on Newsquest’s website.

The scheme was one of a number of student activities arranged by our Careers Service to help further develop their skills for university and boost their job prospects.

CANDI Alum Edgard Kalambani Joins the Central African Presidential Race

Edgard Kalambani is one of sixteen candidates running for presidency of the Central African Republic (CAR) in 2020. Having started his career at City and Islington College studying Business Administration and Management, he imagines a future for his country in the global economy arranged around principles of cooperation and a clear, forward-facing vision.

The Central African Republic finds itself at a crucial moment in its history. This year, the country celebrated sixty years of independence from France, though its journey has seldom been straightforward. Religious and political violence will be the main focus of the general election, having defined the country in world news since the 2003 coup led by François Bozizé.

“I was born in 1977,” Mr Kalambani said. “Growing up, there was not always water and there was not always electricity in some parts of the country. Today it is the same.

“I entered the competition for presidency this year because we see the repetition of the same problems since independence in 1960. It is the same people running the country. It is not a matter of bad politics but of ego. Developed countries form a system to move forward. They may move slowly or quickly, but they improve. Where there is ego, you are always trying to pull somebody else down.”

This year, Mr Kalambani will be up against a number of familiar faces, including Mr Bozizé and current president Faustin-Archange Touadera. The winner of the general election in December will have to wrestle with several pressing issues exacerbated by COVID-19, including widespread hunger, illiteracy and corruption. Still, Mr Kalambani is optimistic.

“I studied Business at City and Islington College and I am pleased because I had a good education there. I am now able to do what I am doing because CANDI gave me that base. I have learnt that when a company is not doing well, the board must look at the strategy and make a change. When you change the strategy several times and the company is still not doing well, you think about changing the CEO to bring in somebody with new ideas.

“For the Central African Republic, we know it is time to adapt the company and make some reforms. Today, the branding is not working. It is the right time for reform.”

One of the major challenges facing whoever wins in December will be education. According to UNESCO, the literacy rate in the Central African Republic among 15-24 year olds is 38.3%, though young people are steadily becoming more literate than their parents. The most recent data available showed that the country spends 7.8% of its governmental expenditure on education – roughly half of what the UK manages.

Education has seemingly always played a role in Mr Kalambani’s idea of structural and personal development. After graduating from CANDI, he moved to Scotland and set up educational charity Scotland CARES, which stands for Central African Republic of Education and Sport, to coincide with the rebel overthrow of Bozizé in 2013.

“I think that the education system is one of the most important things. In the Central African Republic, 70% of the population is under 35. That’s enormous. Without proper schools, universities and a proper system, it is difficult because young people do not understand what is going on. You have to create the basis for young people to have a vision of the future. Without that vision, people end up trying to have an easy life with no work, but that guarantees you will have trouble.

“CANDI helped me get to the right places. I wanted to learn how to run my own business. But only after completing my course was I able to go on and try to run a business. Schools are one third of the solution. You have to like to learn as well. The aim of Scotland CARES is to help children who do not have the resources, computers and materials to go on and learn themselves. It is very important to have a teacher in the first place to help develop that aspiration to achieve, but after that it is important that people innovate and create goals for themselves.

“Our priority is to put the old generation aside and to bring in a new generation with a new vision who want to move forward together. It is about becoming credible in the eyes of the world.”

Should Mr Kalambani win in December, he will be in the prime position to negotiate ongoing peace talks with the 14 rebel factions warring across the country. Since 2013, talks have taken place eight times with limited lasting success. This year, the general election has been tainted by talk of political violence and intimidation. Speaking to The Herald, Mr Kalambani stressed that challenging corruption, fostering positivity and creating a fairer economic system would underlie his “new approach” to reforming the country and ending sectarian violence. 

Behind Mr Kalambani’s system, though, is a broader message of focus and persistence. He urges that should he lose the campaign this is only the beginning of the journey to help “transform” the country.

“We are learning day by day. We are making a disturbance, which gives me the power to continue. If I were to advise CANDI students anything, it would be: ‘don’t be scared and try things out. Whatever you want to do, if it does not work, continue to try and to learn. When things go wrong, take a step back and keep learning.’”

Mr Kalambani is optimistic for the future of his country. Next year, the Central African Republic is set to run its first local elections since 1988. The City and Islington College alum feels that citizens recognise the “inefficiency” of in-fighting and that this is the right time to move forward together. The story of the Central African Republic has long been reported as a tragedy. Edgard Kalambani offers himself as the new face of hope.

Learn more about the campaign at Edgard’s campaign page on Facebook.

Financial Incentives Available For Businesses to Employ an Apprentice

CCCG is urging businesses to take up a new financial incentive to boost apprenticeships and fill their skills gaps during the pandemic.

Under the Government scheme run by the National Apprenticeship Service companies can receive up to £2,000 for each new apprentice they employ.

The extra funding follows a 50 per cent drop in the number of apprenticeship starts in the UK, with health and social care and business administration among the worst hit.

CONEL’s apprenticeships are run by Capital City College Training. Both the college and CCCT are part of Capital City College Group, London’s largest college group, which also comprises City and Islington College and Westminster Kingsway College.

Jackie Chapman, Managing Director of CCCT, said: “It has never been more important to create opportunities for young people.

“With unemployment rising, job vacancies that used to be open to inexperienced and young people are now receiving high levels of applicants from older and more experienced candidates who are attractive to employers as they come with skills.

“At CCCT we know the demand is there, as for every apprenticeship vacancy we advertise, we receive around 100 applicants, however there are simply too few vacancies to meet the demand.

“This threatens to leave this year’s school and college leavers with no opportunities to gain real work experience and start their careers.”

Businesses can claim up to £2,000 for each new apprentice aged 18 to 24 and £1,500 for those aged 25 or over who start their training before 31 January 2021.

The money is available to businesses of any size and from any sector It can be used on anything to support the company’s costs, from facilities and travel to uniforms and salaries.

Businesses are also being urged to join the Government’s Kickstart Scheme, which provides funding to employers to create job placements for 16 to 24-year-olds on Universal Credit.

Jackie said: “Typically a new recruit takes three months to start to become productive and by six months is fully productive, so the Kickstart Scheme is a great way to help support the costs of taking on a young person, who can then progress onto a full apprenticeship.”

CCCT offers a wider range of apprenticeships in accounting, business, construction, hospitality, culinary arts, engineering, veterinary nursing, supporting teaching in schools and healthcare.

Jackie said: “The NHS has already recognised how important apprentices are, bringing youth and vigour to a challenging environment. 

“We support 10 different trusts with a range of apprenticeships including pharmacy, healthcare and business administration. Most of these apprentices are new entrants to the sector, who turn into dedicated staff with 100 per cent loyalty and great career opportunities. 

“The engineering sector has recognised that its workforce is ageing  and continues to look to apprenticeships to provide the next generation of engineers.”

Click here for more information and to apply the financial incentive scheme.

Women building new careers in construction during COVID-19 pandemic

Women looking for work during the coronavirus pandemic have said how a training programme has helped them secure new careers in the construction industry. Fifteen women have been trained by CCCT and are undertaking work placements this month as part of the programme run by Women into Construction, in partnership with Henry Construction and The Guinness Partnership.

According to Women into Construction, just 13 per cent of workers in the construction industry are women and less than one per cent of those are working in the trades – such as bricklaying, electrical work, carpentry, plumbing, surveying, roofing and plastering.

The five-week programme provides participants with help to gain jobs in the industry, both on site and in the office. It includes 15 days’ work-focused training followed two weeks work experience with advice and support to get help participants get into work.

Jennifer Mensah, 25, found it hard to find work despite having completed a master’s degree in construction management this year. Since joining the programme she has been offered a job as an architectural designer with Lendlease.

She said: “I was applying for jobs, but it was very frustrating and I was getting into debt. My mum had had a stroke and I was having to look after my brother. It was a very worrying time for me.

“The programme helped me to connect with different companies and gain more experience and the confidence to get the job I have been working all my life for. Without this help it would have been 100 times harder for me and might never have happened.”

Jasmine Anthony, 37, secured a job as an electrician with BW Electrical Contractors after impressing on a placement at a new 1,000-home development in Bromley-by-Bow being built by Henry Construction.

She said: “Working as an electrician was always something I had a passion to do, but I never saw it through until now. I didn’t think I would be able to do it, but the programme gave me the confidence I needed. When I was told I’d got a job, I couldn’t stop smiling. I didn’t think it would happen so quicky. I’m just so excited.”

Urging women who may be unsure about entering a male-dominated career, she added: “I have been treated with a lot of respect on site. Don’t hold back, just try it!”

Participants on the programme undertake five days construction-related training leading to a Health and Safety Level 1 Award and a CSCS card test, which they need to pass to work on site. They also receive support with overcoming barriers to employment, writing CVs and interview skills. The programme also provides support with IT, childcare and travel.

Work placements and site visits have been provided by Henry Construction, The Guinness Partnership, Alliance Facades Solutions, Assael, Calford Seadon, Danescroft, EU JLL, DPC, BW Electrical Contractors, Hoare Lea, Kone, Metro, PRP, Turley and Waterman Group.

Helen Dobbs, Senior Regeneration Manager at The Guinness Partnership, said: “I’ve been very impressed with the women on the programme and their willingness to participate in meetings and site visits. They’ve all been very positive, enthusiastic and interested, and I am sure they will all secure employment in their chosen fields.”

Women into Construction is a not-for-profit organisation that promotes gender equality in the construction industry and supports women wanting to enter the sector.

Anna Walterskotter, Project Manager at Women into Construction, said: “We’ve had tremendous support from CCCT to continue this programme under COVID-19 regulations, including online training and speed interviews, which have really helped raising participants’ confidence levels. Each of the employers has adapted their work placements to incorporate online sessions and on-site meetings to find out how the women can fit into the industry.”

CCCT is part of Capital City College Group, which also comprises City and Islington College, Westminster Kingsway College and the College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London.

Kate Child, Employability Business Operations Manager at CCCT, said: “This was the fourth programme we have run with Women into Construction and the first during the pandemic. It was great to see the women buzzing with enthusiasm after having met their work placement employers and some of them are already gaining employment.”

Click here to find out more about Women into Construction or email Anna Walterskotter at info@women-into-constuction.org

Student With ADHD Praises CANDI as he Starts Master’s Degree

A student diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has told how the teaching and support he received at college set him on the way to a master’s degree. Alex Napieralski, 25, graduated with a BSc (Hons) Finance from City, University of London this summer, where he now studying an MSc Games Programming.

Prior to university he completed an Access to Higher Education Diploma in Business and passed GCSE English and maths at City and Islington College in 2017.

ADHD is a condition that affects people’s behaviour. People with the condition often seem restless, have trouble concentrating and act on impulse. Alex, who also has dyslexia, began showing signs of ADHD when he was five and growing up in Poland but was not officially diagnosed until he attended CANDI. He recalled how the condition made him feel different to others still affects him today.

“Everyday tasks that come easily for others can be really overwhelming, such as simple decisions like what to eat or what to wear,” he said.

“This can be very frustrating when it comes to deadlines for coursework, exams or being on time to start work. It’s very hard for me and I often end up taking longer than others. I find it hard to focus on lectures or read when I want as my brain gets bored and I cannot concentrate for long periods of time.”

During his studies Alex received help from CANDI’s Additional Learning Support (ALS) team to overcome the conditions. He has continued to receive help at City, University of London, from former CANDI ALS co-ordinator Frances Anagnostou, who now works at the university.

Alex said: “When I joined CANDI I had various expectations for myself, although I was unaware of how much ADHD and dyslexia would affect my life and studies. It is one thing to have these conditions, but another to be diagnosed with it. No matter how hard you try, you do not feel Iike anyone else. I had to put in a large amount of work, not only at college, but in myself personally, to learn to cope with the things I struggled with.”

Alex, from Barnet, recalled how ALS staff at the college gave him the courage and strength to complete his studies to not give up when his mum was seriously ill in hospital.

He said: “I was working as a bartender at the time. My ALS teacher advised me to drop work and focus only on studies, as I have the ability to do so. I did not believe it at the time, but I followed her advice and found I was able to work much more freely on assignments and understand my lectures better.

“I used to be scared and think I was incapable of achieving anything, but through my studies I was able to consistently grow and felt more like everyone else. I firmly believe that I would not have reached my goals without the college’s help.” 

CANDI’s ALS Team provides support for students with a wide range of disabilities and conditions including help in the classroom, sign language, disability assessments, counselling and mentoring.

Theresa Hughes, Inclusive Learning Tutor at CANDI, said: “Alex faced a lot of challenges but on the plus side he had a lot of energy. He was not always patient, like a lot of people with ADHD, and found it frustrating when it came to hunkering down and getting on top of his work and co-operating with tutors and I would sometimes have to negotiate for him.

“By the time he was looking at going university he knew what his learning profile was and what he found hard. He became better at expressing what help he needed and was taking up challenges and sticking with things, which improved his study. He has done fantastically well since leaving CANDI. We’re all pleased as punch that he has gone so far. It’s absolutely brilliant to see.”

Click here to find out more about our support and wellbeing for students.

CANDI Alum Kenoly Mbele Shares her Student Experience #LoveOurColleges

Kenoly Mbele studied UAL Level 3/4 Foundation Diploma in Fashion Textiles at City and Islington College. Read on to find out how she found the course, overcoming grief and going on to pass her exams.

Why did you choose the Fashion Textiles Foundation Diploma at CANDI?

During my childhood I dreamed of a career in fashion. I would hand stitch clothes for my dolls, create collages, watch fashion runways and draw designs in a mini notebook which my dad gave me. My little imaginative and creative mind helped me to play around with different materials. As I studied art and textiles at Hornsey School for Girls, I learnt different creative techniques such as clay making, sketching with black pencils, abstract painting, seam stitches and constructing a skirt.

CANDI gave me the opportunity to try different aspects of fashion textiles to explore my own potential. I really enjoy trying new techniques to make my work appealing to an audience because I was born to be experimental.

What was your favourite subject within the course?

From the beginning I was interested in fashion on the whole, but as I learnt different techniques the quality of my work began to change. With the help of my tutor, Isatu Taylor, I began to explore fashion textiles and realized I had a passion for it, so I continued to produce drawings in my reflective journal.

What was your best experience at CANDI?

During my foundation course I had the confidence to create my own Tate Exchange project. ‘The Power of Storytelling/Childhood,’ was interactive for the public; toddlers, youths, adults and the elderly. I had a collection of childhood books on a bookshelf, toys on the table and a box of sweets. Creating a nursery atmosphere, I wanted the adults to feel like a child because as an adult with responsibilities we don’t have time for self-care.

How did you find lockdown?

My God-Grandma died on 16 April 16 this year, due to COVID-19. I found it really difficult to cope. My tutor, Isatu, suggested I talk to a mentor and she was amazing. I spoke to her about my future goals, which university I’m hoping to go to and taking care of my health. Changing my lifestyle and taking care of myself helped me mentally. I met up friends socially distanced, and I felt free. It has helped me think about how important and precious life is. I’m so grateful to my mentor, I learnt a lot and I’ll continue to take her advice on board.

How did you feel when you received your exam results?

When I got a distinction for Fashion Textiles, I screamed! My sister jumped on me, my parents hugged me with joy and I cried with happiness. I never knew that I would get a distinction. I texted my tutor and sent her a screenshot of my grade. She was so happy for me.

I hope to go to UAL Chelsea because the university has great facilities for fashion textiles and I look forward creating abstract pieces. I can’t wait for the next chapter of my life.

See examples of Kenoly’s work on her Instagram account here.

WestKing Nominated for Two Prestigious Awards

Westminster Kingsway College’s award-winning School of Hospitality and Culinary Arts in Victoria has been nominated in two categories at the coveted Cateys Awards 2020.

The Cateys are the ‘Oscars’ of the hospitality industry, and are run by the leading industry magazine The Caterer. The awards are one of the biggest events in the hospitality calendar and recognise the “most talented individuals, the biggest brands and strongest performers in the hospitality industry.”

WestKing has been shortlisted in two categories:

  • Deputy Executive Principal (and Master Chocolatier) Gary Hunter, is shortlisted for the Education and Training Award;
  • The college’s unique and innovative Culinary Medicine programme and degree course in Culinary Health and Nutrition, have been nominated for the Health and Nutrition Award.

Speaking about his nomination, Gary Hunter said: “I’m delighted and honoured to have been shortlisted for this year’s Cateys, alongside three other great culinary educators.

“I am fortunate to lead a wonderful team of professionals at Westminster Kingsway College, who inspire and educate our culinary students every day. This nomination is very much a recognition of their hard work, dedication and expertise.”

Westminster Kingsway College has over 100 years’ culinary expertise and we are at the forefront of the emerging science of culinary medicine. We help to run a culinary medicine course for NHS clinicians (in partnership with Culinary Medicine UK), and running our own Degree course in Culinary Health and Nutrition.

The culinary medicine course gives doctors and medical students a greater understanding of the vital role that nutrition plays in health, and enables them to speak to their patients about the dietary changes they could make based on their medical condition.

The course has recently been adapted to educate students about nutrition challenges that have been exacerbated by COVID-19, for example the difficulties that some – especially those from poorer households – have in getting good-quality and nutritious food to help them fight infection.

Our degree course in Culinary Health and Nutrition is the only one of its kind. It’s designed for trained chefs and gives them an in-depth understanding of the medical effects of food on health and wellbeing, and a grounding in the scientific principles of clinical nutrition. The degree is a stepping-stone into many careers in nutrition, including in commercial product development, corporate wellness, working with the health sector, public health, the supplementation industry and sports nutrition.

WestKing Chef Lecturer Vince Kelly tutors on both courses. He told us:
“It’s fantastic that the college has been recognised for our Culinary Medicine programme and our new Culinary Health and Nutrition Degree course. The link between nutrition and health is – thankfully – becoming better understood in both the hospitality and clinical worlds, and I am really pleased to be able to pass on my knowledge, passion and expertise to clinicians and my fellow professional chefs.”

The winners of the Cateys will be revealed in a virtual ceremony on Tuesday 24 November.

Find out more about all our culinary arts and hospitality courses.

Queen's Award for Enterprise
FE Team of the Year