Maria Anguita, Author at Capital City College Group
Accessibility & Translation

WorldSkills delegation is impressed by our approach to skills training

This week, we were honoured to welcome a delegation from WorldSkills, the global hub for skills excellence and development, to our Victoria Centre of Westminster Kingsway College. As part of their preparations for WorldSkills 2026, to be held in Shanghai, the delegation visited the Victoria Centre of Capital City College Group to gain insights into 16-18 education in the UK.

CCCG students have a strong tradition of excelling in the WorldSkills competition. Last year, Dante Senior, won Bronze at the UK WorldSkills National Finals in the Laboratory Technician category, and several of our students have registered for this year’s competition.

The delegation included Mr Zhang Wei, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee and Director General of Organisation Department of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, and Ms. Yang Jiaying, Director General of Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

WorldSkills delegation visiting Capital City College Group.

During the visit, the delegation saw first-hand our commitment to providing high-quality vocational training and education. The delegation was welcomed by our senior leadership team, who highlighted our innovative courses and successful student outcomes.

Among the speakers was celebrity chef Andrew Wong, an alumnus of Westminster Kingsway College. Chef Wong, whose A. Wong restaurant is the only two-Michelin-starred restaurant outside of Asia, shared his inspiring journey from student to culinary star and emphasised the role that Westminster Kingsway College played in his career. Chef Wong said: ‘Westking is the best catering school in the country, the very best for the next generation of chefs’, and added that when he recruits new staff, he knows those coming from Westking will be well-trained and stand out. 

The delegation enjoyed a tour of our state-of-the-art facilities, and the visit culminated in a pasta-making masterclass led by Miranda Quantrill, Curriculum Manager – Hospitality and Culinary Arts, highlighting the practical, industry-relevant training our students receive.

Mr Zhang Wei commented: ‘I am deeply impressed by your college that closely integrates skill training and development with employment, giving students confidence in their future. Shanghai is more than happy to strengthen vocational education exchanges and cooperation with the UK and looks forward to welcoming contestants from the UK to the World Skills Competition 2026.’

Angela Joyce, CCCG CEO said: ‘We are delighted to have had the opportunity to share our approach to further education with the WorldSkills delegation. Their visit reflects our dedication to excellence and innovation in vocational training. We are committed to equipping our students with the skills they need to thrive in a competitive global landscape.’

Find out more about WorldSkills.

Find the perfect course for you and apply now!

Former Education Secretary Baroness Morgan and the Careers and Enterprise Company Board visit Capital City College Group

Baroness Morgan of Cotes, former Secretary of State for Education (2014-2016) and Chair of The Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC), has praised Capital City College Group (CCCG) for their exceptional efforts in providing high-quality career guidance to help young people find the perfect career for them.

During a visit to the King’s Cross centre of Westminster Kingsway College, part of Capital City College Group, Baroness Morgan and the CEC Board heard from students who shared their experiences of how college staff facilitate opportunities in work experience and mentorship, guiding them to explore diverse careers and leading many to contemplate professions and pathways they hadn’t considered before.

Baroness Morgan and the CEC Board also listened to staff members responsible for arranging work placements for students, liaising with employers and working with schools about the challenges and opportunities of collaboration.

According to data from CEC*, careers education empowers students for future success, and students who receive high-quality careers provision typically have a career readiness score 3.5%pts higher than those with poorer provision. Additionally, 91% of the most engaged employers say it is helping them develop new talent pipelines and is supporting young people to take up careers in their industry.

Baroness Morgan said: “We very much enjoyed our visit to Capital City College Group today and hearing about the Group’s strength of commitment to career advice for young people in London. It is fantastic to see a college so committed to the work of the CEC and to the understanding that excellent career advice can make such a difference to young people – developing skills, opening doors to opportunity and supporting them to take their best next step so they can make the most of their talents.”

Angela Joyce, CEO of CCCG, commented: “We were delighted to welcome the CEC Board to our King’s Cross centre and we valued the opportunity for an open dialogue about the importance of high-quality career advice for young people. We are proud of our commitment to supporting our students and that 97% progress to employment or further study when they leave us.”

CCCG is committed to fostering talent, driving innovation, and empowering individuals to succeed in today’s competitive landscape. The visit from Baroness Morgan and CEC confirms CCCG’s dedication to excellence in education and career development.

Find out more about career support and work experience at our colleges.

Capital City College Group and partners celebrate success and extension of funding for Mayor’s Skills Academies

In a vibrant showcase of talent and collaborative success, last night Capital City College Group (CCCG) and key partners including Central District Alliance, Film London and the Greater London Authority (GLA) celebrated the outstanding contributions and achievements of the Creative, Digital, Hospitality and Green Hubs, part of the Mayor’s Skills Academies.

The celebratory dinner took place at the Vincent Rooms in Westminster.

Over the past two years, through the Mayor’s Skills Academies, CCCG has trained over 7,000 Londoners via short courses to aid individuals seeking a career change in these vital industries. CCCG has collaborated with over 500 employers and placed more than 1,200 learners into Good Work jobs in key industries.

During the celebrations, attendees heard industry insights from partners Ayo Akande of the GLA, Debbie Akehurst of Central District Alliance, and Babak Jani of Film London, highlighting the collective commitment to enhancing London’s workforce.

The evening also marked the public announcement that these skills hubs will be continuing into 2025 with funding provided by the GLA.

Israa, 19, who did a free short course in digital and social media marketing, is now doing a digital marketing apprenticeship at Islington Council. Israa said: “When starting the course, I felt excited and a little nervous. I was grateful enough to have such a wonderful and engaging teacher, her style of teaching adapted to each of our needs as students. I found it quite interesting and helpful, I found my joy in learning again.”

Angela Joyce, CCCG CEO said: “These Mayor’s Academies have made a huge difference to thousands of Londoners, and we are delighted that they will be continuing in the future. The specialisms of the Academies – creative, digital, green and hospitality – align well with the expertise of our colleges and we have been delighted to offer short courses in all of these areas funded by the Greater London Authority. We are pleased to be supporting businesses in London with the skilled workers that they need”.

Work with us

We are reaching out to businesses across London to join us in this transformative journey. By pledging your support to our learners, you will become a pivotal part of their success story. Whether through offering work experience opportunities, mentoring, or guiding learners through inspiring talks, your contribution can open doors to new possibilities and help build a skilled, dynamic workforce ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

If you would like to support the next generation of your workforce, find out more about our Employers Partnerships here.

10 ways to get involved in politics: how to change the world around you

This week is Colleges Week (26 February-1 March) and this year, the Association of Colleges is encouraging colleges and their students to think about how they can influence and engage with politics while also celebrating their successes.

With the general election set to take place this year, there’s no better time to start thinking about the things that matter to you.

To some, politics can sometimes seem far removed from their day-to-day life, but politics affect your day-to-day, for example, minimum wage, what our relationships with other countries look like, how we tackle global warming, what you study in school or college, and how the public spaces and facilities around you are developed and maintained.

It is never too early to become interested in politics, and how decisions are made.

We’ve put together a guide unlocking the exciting world of political participation – proving it’s not just about suits and speeches, but about shaping the future you want to live in.


Voting is the most important democratic action you could do, yet in the 2019 general election, over 30% of eligible voters failed to cast their ballot.

In the UK, there are local council elections, parliamentary elections, as well as UK-wide elections. Before casting your vote, research candidates and parties thoroughly and attend hustings (public debates) if you can.

Although only 18+ year-olds can vote, 16 and 17-year-olds can register to vote (14 or over in Scotland and Wales). If you live in Scotland or Wales, you can vote in some elections when you’re 16 or over.

Registering takes only 5 minutes, and you only need to register once. Find out what you need to register to vote here.

If you’re under 18, keep reading for more ways to become politically active.

Study politics

A politics A-level is a great way to get your teeth into the subject and examine the workings of the British political system, core political ideas, and global events and trends. We offer both a 2-year full-time A Level course or a 1 year intensive A level course.

An A-level in politics can help pave the way towards a range of careers within the civil service and a wide range of careers where policy is involved.

Join your college society or clubs

Many colleges and schools have societies or clubs dedicated to politics or debate. Joining one is a great way to meet like-minded people, learn from each other, and have fun discussing big ideas. These societies often hold meetings, events, or workshops where you can learn about current issues, political processes, or how to get involved in campaigns.

If your college has a debate club, join it! Debating helps you understand different viewpoints, improve your public speaking skills, and think critically about important issues.

You may have a student council or parliament within your school or college that you can join. These student-led organisations give students a voice within their educational community and can be a great introduction to political life. You may be involved in campaigning for change, organising protests, lobbying for better policies or simply listening to the student body’s worries and frustrations. At CCCG, we have student governors who take part in governance meetings for the college group. Find out more about our governors and how they shape our group here!

Visit Parliament

Visiting Parliament is an awe-inspiring experience. Stepping inside the historic halls where laws are made and debates shape the nation’s future is truly captivating. The iconic architecture, from the grand Westminster Hall to the intricately decorated chambers, immerses visitors in centuries of political history. Get insight into the workings of democracy, showcasing the House of Commons and the House of Lords. You can also attend debates, observing politicians in action!

UK residents can request a free ‘Inside UK Parliament’ guided tour by contacting your Member of Parliament (MP) or a member of the House of Lords.

Join UK Youth Parliament or the Youth Select Committee

You could also become a member of the UK Youth Parliament, which is for young people aged 11-18 who aim to create social change through meaningful representation and campaigning. It’s a fantastic platform to find your voice, develop leadership skills, and connect with other passionate young people.

The Youth Select Committee (YSC) is a British Youth Council initiative, supported by the House of Commons, which takes evidence in public and has its proceedings televised and recorded in Hansard. The 12 committee members are aged 14-18 and include Members of the UK Youth Parliament, Youth Councillors and representatives from each of the devolved nations. The YSC receives induction training and mentoring from parliamentary Clerks and British Youth Council staff.

Contact your local representatives and MP

If there are issues in your local area that you would like to address, you can get in touch with your local councillor by writing to them. There are also some council meetings that members of the public can attend.

You can also contact you MP about specific issues like health, benefits, education, employment and international conflicts. You can find out about their voting history and hear more about the decisions they are involved with by following them on social media. Local councillors and MPs hold surgeries where you can talk to them in person.

There are no age restrictions for contacting your local councillor or MP!

Respond to consultations

There are thousands of policy papers and consultations available for the public to read and respond to. These cover different issues that the government is exploring, often before a law is passed. For each issue, there is the opportunity to give a written response, usually via a survey. Members of the public can use the surveys to share their opinions and insights on specific issues. They can also give details about how proposed changes affect them and share the outcomes that they would like to see.

Start or sign a petition

If there’s something you want discussed in parliament or put into law, you can start a petition.
In England, you need 100,000 signatures on a petition for parliament to discuss it. If you start or sign a petition, don’t forget to share it widely with classmates and contacts across a range of social media platforms for maximum impact.

Attend an event or peaceful demonstration

Take some time to research matters that interest you and go to lawful events or demonstrations to find out more about them and connect with other like-minded citizens. Collective action can be powerful, and protests have long played a vital role in protecting human rights. There have been recent changes to protest laws, but your right to peaceful protest is protected by law. Ensure you’re clued up on the rules and rights of protest before you go, and bear in mind that there are rules around arranging protests.

Join an organisation or campaigning group

Politics doesn’t have to centre around getting and using political power, and it’s important to apply your political energy to the things that matter most to you. There are many local and national organisations working hard in specific areas – from protecting local wildlife to supporting vulnerable members of the community. You can get involved by joining them as a volunteer, member or trustee.

Join a political party

If you find that you agree with the views and policies of a political party, why not consider joining? You’ll have the opportunity to attend local meetings, take part in debates and contribute your ideas. Members of political parties play an important role in deciding the party’s agenda and helping to shape policies. Party members are also able to vote in leadership elections.

Run for office

This is a big one and for the over-18s only. If you are passionate about politics and want to devote more of your time to political change, why not run for a political position? You could start by getting involved in your local parish council if there is one, and then, the sky’s the limit!

People of all ages need to have a voice and be heard on matters that impact them. It’s easy to feel like you have limited power if you’re just one person in a large society, but every big thing begins with one small action – so who knows what you might create?

Apprenticeships take centre stage at 01Founders and Westminster Business Council networking event

Students took center stage at the “The Future is Apprenticeships” event, hosted by 01Founders in collaboration with Westminster Business Council and Capital City College Group (CCCG).

Held on the 6th of February at WestKing’s Regent’s Park Centre, home of 01Founders, the event provided a platform for employers and students to highlight the benefits of apprenticeships to coincide with National Apprenticeship Week.

Rupert Cheetham, a student attendee, explained how securing an apprenticeship with Viabio was a turning point in his career and a dream come true. Rupert credits 01 Founders for connecting him with Viabio, a pioneering company utilizing AI in bio-printing, and transforming his educational experience from passive learning to active engagement with real-world innovators.

Similarly, Matthew Hope found his niche at 01Founders after realizing that the structured environment of traditional university education wasn’t conducive to his creativity. Embracing the flexibility and autonomy offered by 01Founders, Matthew discovered a newfound passion for learning and innovation, setting the stage for a promising apprenticeship journey.

Rupert and Matthew’s stories echo the sentiments of many students in attendance, who found inspiration and opportunity during the event.

Michael Akimov, from EI Consulting (UK), said: “We’re here at 01Founders today to find bright, new talent. We have hired apprentices from the 01Founders talent pool in the past who have excelled. For example, Nikoy, who joined our start-up in robotics. He initially started in a junior role but immediately progressed to management. Apprentices are fundamental to innovation.”

Jackie Chapman, CEO of 01Founders and Executive Director of Growth and Partnerships at Capital City College Training (CCCT), opened the event, which included a series of guest speakers.

Cali Ibrahim, Social and Economic Investment Manager at Notting Hill Genesis and Ambassador for the London Apprenticeship Ambassador Network, underscored the value of apprenticeships and showcased collaborative efforts between 01Founders, Notting Hill Genesis, and pop-up academies in advancing digital skills within local communities.

Stav Aristokle Hill, People Manager at Berkeley Group and Ambassador for the London Apprenticeship Ambassador Network elaborated on the benefits of apprenticeships to employers in the construction industry, emphasising enhanced skills and productivity alongside long-term strategic advantages.

Ajay Purbhoosing, Senior Account Manager at Workwhile, shared insights into free apprenticeship support for SMEs and provided crucial information on accessing fully funded apprenticeships.

The guest speaker sessions culminated in a panel Q&A session where attendees engaged in discussions, followed by a productive networking session to connect students with employers.

01Founders specialises in coding-related apprenticeships and Level 4 courses in Software Engineering and Data Analysis. If you’re an employer looking to recruit from a diverse talent pool. Click here to find out more.

Capital City College Training, part of Capital City College Group, also has a range of different apprenticeship schemes to support a wide range of industries.

Angela Joyce officially starts as new CEO of Capital City College Group

Capital City College Group (CCCG) is pleased to announce the start of Angela Joyce as the new Chief Executive Officer, effective from 1st January 2024. Angela brings a wealth of experience and a strategic vision that aligns with CCCG’s commitment to provide high-quality education and foster student success.

Angela, who joins us from Warwickshire College Group, has a proven track record of leadership and a deep understanding of the further education sector.

Originally from Buckinghamshire, Angela started her career in education as a schoolteacher before moving to work in further education. Angela is noted as the youngest female college CEO when she was appointed at Peterborough Regional College in 2010, following two years as Vice Principal. Angela then moved to Warwickshire College in 2015 where her achievements include gaining degree awarding powers, a Queen’s Anniversary Prize, successful mergers, and forming a number of subsidiary companies. She now returns to her roots in the South East to join CCCG and embark on leading her third college Group in three different regions.  Angela is a Companion of the Chartered Management Institute, and a Fellow of the Chartered Institution for Further Education.

Pablo Lloyd OBE, who has served as the Interim CEO, will remain with Capital City College Group on a part-time basis as Strategic Advisor.  

Angela Joyce expressed her enthusiasm for joining CCCG, saying: ‘I look forward to working with a talented team at CCCG and building on the foundations laid by my predecessors. Together, we will continue to deliver excellence in education and empower our students for future success.’

Notes to Editors

About Capital City College Group

  • Capital City College Group (CCCG) is London’s largest further education and training provider, with around 35,000 students and an annual income of £120m.
  • The Group comprises three further education colleges: City and Islington College, The College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London, and Westminster Kingsway College, as well as a specialist training arm, Capital City College Training (CCCT), and joint ventures 01 Founders and Visionnaires, focused on coding and entrepreneurship respectively.
  • CCCG has 10 college sites across central and north London for 16-18 year-olds, adult learners, apprentices and businesses. It has nationally-recognised specialisms in areas such as construction, digital technology, healthcare, hospitality, rail engineering and science.
  • CCCG gained a ‘good’ Ofsted grade in February 2023 including being awarded ‘strong’ (the highest grade) in its contribution to meeting skills needs
  • Website:
  • For further media enquiries, email

Team CCCG Sport win netball, table tennis and badminton competitions at AOC Sport London Regional Championship

This year has seen some truly remarkable achievements from the Team CCCG Sports Academy, and earlier this month saw another hugely successful day of competition.

Following on from the huge success of the Group’s football and basketball teams winning regional championships, in a thrilling showcase of skill and determination, Team CCCG Sport has once again emerged victorious as the AOC Sport London Regional Champions this time in netball, table tennis, and badminton. The action-packed event unfolded at Redbridge Sports Centre in Ilford on 13 December.


Representing the Group was our netball team which was a combination of female students from all of our CCCG colleges. The team was eager to retain their regional champions title which they won in 2022 and to secure their spot in the upcoming AOC Sport National Championships scheduled for 19th April 2024, in Nottingham. The team performed exceptionally well, and it was clear to see that all the hard work and additional hours of netball training had paid dividends in winning the tournament by winning every game.

Our head netball Coach Yamini Bist was delighted with the result, saying: ‘I am extremely proud of the team, and looking forward to going back to the national championships for a second year in a row.’ It cannot be understated the achievements of this team. Two years ago, there was no netball at all being played across any of the CCCG colleges. Now we have an established netball academy and two successive regional championships trophies.

Table Tennis

The day however did not just belong to netball. Team CCCG was also victorious in the table tennis event. The college had several learners who competed in the men’s table tennis competition. However, it was College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London student Rayan Ansari who completely dominated the competition before eventually being crowned regional champion. Rayan said following his victory: ‘am very proud and happy to have won today and looking forward to testing myself further in the national championships.’


The day continued to be successful for the Group with our City and Islington College student Dylan Gregory being crowned men’s regional champion for badminton and Jen Chiesurirn being crowned female table tennis regional champion. Both students are absolutely thrilled with their achievement and cannot wait for the national championships in April 2024.

London’s largest student body at sports events

After the success of football and basketball, Jonathan Silman, the Head of Sport for CCCG, and Rob Murphy, Sports Development Manager at CCCG, couldn’t contain their joy at the achievements of Team CCCG Sport: ‘Our ambition is to become the number 1 Sport College in the country,’ said Silman. ‘The rapid growth of our Sport Academies, combined with a strong desire and a collectively group-wide approach, is fast-tracking our goal.’ This was further enhanced by the success of the final round of regional championships. The growth and the success of the Sports Academies have been further enhanced by this success and Team CCCG reputation is quickly growing with our sporting achievements.

It was noted that these results mean that our Group will be representing London across five different sports. This will mean that Team CCCG will be the college Group providing the majority of students as the London representatives at sports events, and likely nationally also.

Find out more about our Sports Academies and how you can be a part of it here.

How we engage employers with our Creative and Digital Skills Academies

Capital City College Group (CCCG) is a finalist for The City and Guilds Award for Engagement with Employers at the forthcoming AOC’s Beacon Awards in recognition of the work carried out within their Creative and Digital Skills Academies that are supported by the Mayor Of London.

Carlo Liu, Head of Digital Skills Academy, and Sharon Wallace, Head of Creative Industries Academy, let us in on some of the secrets to their success.

Addressing London’s skills needs and skills gaps while supporting underrepresented groups

In 2021, data from the Labour Market Information showed a 36% surge in digital job vacancies in London. However, only 13% of creative jobs were filled by candidates from BAME groups. In recognition of this, we set up the Creative and Digital Skills Academies to foster opportunities within the communities that the Group serves and enable residents to be a part of these thriving sectors.

The main objective was to offer customised training that would meet employer-specific needs while creating accessible pathways for education, particularly amongst underrepresented groups. This is how we did it.

Community outreach

Our dedicated Community Engagement Officers ensure our training reaches those most in need by collaborating closely with relevant grassroots organisations such as the Prince’s Trust and Arsenal in the Community, facilitating interaction with JobCentre Plus, and establishing partnerships with London boroughs

Employer advisory boards

We created Employer Advisory Boards where we meet with employers and stakeholders to find out exactly what skills they need. Board members include Google, Film London, Screen Skills, London Higher, and Camden Council. 

Placing employers’ needs first

By delivering training designed by employers we give students the exact skills they need to find jobs in these industries. Our students are also supported by career and job coaches from within the industry to help with interview practice and provide networking opportunities.

Students gain valuable work experience on live projects, guest lectures, and internships. This high level of exposure enables them to build their network and deepen their understanding of both the industry and potential careers, giving them the confidence to move on to advanced training or secure meaningful work. 

Equality and Inclusion

To make diversity more than just a buzzword, we created an inclusive environment through courses that fit around caring or other work responsibilities, for example, summer courses, courses specifically for people not in education, employment, or training (NEET), or for people on low pay, and courses for women to address sector-specific female underrepresentation.

Planning for growth

We receive about £500k of adult education funding income, which covers delivery costs. The curriculum is now being developed to include longer courses at Level 3 and Level 4 to provide further progression and higher-level certification or experience.

In 2024, we will relocate to the newly refurbished Soho Centre of Applied Technology, which will feature cutting-edge technology such as AI and VFX.

Measuring impact on the community

We have had an incredible reach, engaging over 5,000 students, and involving 250 employers. As a result, 338 students have gained work experience placements and 458 have secured employment or apprenticeships.

The Academies have also enhanced general digital literacy across communities by giving individuals the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in a technology-driven economy; in addition to industry-specific academy courses, over 2,000 students have completed the Essential Digital Skills Qualification in the last year.

Key lessons learned

Take a community-centric approach and establish a dedicated team for employer and community engagement to lead the work.

Meet real industry needs: collaborate directly with employers to determine what skills they need.

Be diverse and flexible: offer courses through a wide range of channels; online, face-to-face, variable duration, summer courses, morning-only, evening courses, etc.

Build in wraparound employability: Our academies don’t have an exit point. Assistance with progression into careers or further learning is embedded into our training programmes so that students are always supported with what comes next.

Want to know more about our work?

If you would like to collaborate with us or find out more about our work, please get in touch with us here.

CCCG unveils Team CCCG Sport to create a lasting legacy for future generations of students

Team CCCG Sport Logo

After a year of meticulous planning and designing an ambitious 5-year sport strategy, we are delighted to unveil a new ‘Team CCCG Sport’ brand. This occasion marks a significant milestone in the group’s journey to revolutionise sports education and create a lasting legacy for future generations.

The Team CCCG Sport strategy will provide aspiring athletes who join any of CCCG’s Sport Academies in Athletics, Basketball, Football, FUTSAL, E-Sports, or Netball with an extraordinary opportunity; learners who become a part of these academies will have the chance to pursue any full-time course tailored for 16-18-year-olds at any of CCCG’s colleges, including The College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London, City and Islington College, and Westminster Kingsway College.

Jonathan Silman, the Head of Sport at CCCG, is elated to see This initiative come to fruition: ‘Our goal is to become the number one performing Sport College in London and rank among the top three in the entire country, competing in AOC leagues. With Team CCCG Sport, we are not only nurturing young talent but also providing them with a comprehensive educational experience.’

One of the defining features of Team CCCG Sport is its strategic partnerships with renowned institutions in the sports world. CCCG’s Basketball Academy, for instance, collaborates with the prestigious London School of Basketball, offering students unparalleled pathways into the world of basketball. Meanwhile, the Football Academy is partnered with Enfield Borough FC, creating pathways for aspiring footballers to reach semi-professional and even professional levels of the sport. Past learners and Sports Academies participants have secured sport scholarships in the UK and in the United States.

Silman shared his excitement for the future, stating: ‘I’m delighted to see that we are already on track to welcome over 250 learners into our academies within the first year of implementing the sport strategy. This demonstrates the tremendous appetite for sports education within our community.’

If you aspire to be a part of Team CCCG Sport and embark on an exciting journey in sports and education, applications can be submitted through the following link:

Follow Team CCCG Sports on Instagram!

No confirmed RAAC in our buildings. All areas are open.

You may have seen recent media coverage regarding Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) and its use in educational settings. RAAC is a lightweight form of concrete; because it is weaker than regular concrete, concerns have been raised about its long-term durability.

We do not have any confirmed RAAC in our buildings and have not been asked to close any areas.

We wanted to give you this reassurance as there has been much media coverage in recent days.

The Department for Education has been helping education settings and responsible bodies to identify and manage the potential risks of RAAC. You can find more in the Education Hub article published by the Department for Education: List of schools affected by RAAC and what you need to know about the new guidance – The Education Hub (

We appreciate the concern this may raise, and we will always prioritise the safety of our students and our staff.

Queen's Award for Enterprise
FE Team of the Year