Quality Oversight Committee - Capital City College Group
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Quality Oversight Committee

Terms of Reference


The Committee shall consist of at least 4 members of the Board. There will be at least two co-opted members who will have appropriate expertise. Additional student members will be co-opted as agreed by the Board.

The Executive Principal and the Director of Group Quality will be in attendance at the invitation of members. Other staff may be invited to be in attendance for specific agenda items, with the purpose of answering questions from members if it is deemed appropriate.

The Director of Governance shall be in attendance and be responsible for:

  • Advising the Committee on matters in relation to the Instruments and Articles of Government and other associated regulations
  • Taking or overseeing the taking of minutes of the meetings


The Committee will meet once every half a term, or as required.

The quorum for meetings will be 40% of the membership.

Members are required to disclose any interest or conflict of interest they have in any matter being considered at any meeting at the earliest opportunity and before the item is considered. A member should withdraw from this part of the meeting if the interest could be perceived as being likely to interfere with the exercise of a member’s independent judgment and if required to do so by a majority of those members present, and must not vote on the matter.

The Role of the Committee

The role of the Committee is as follows:-

  • To monitor and hold senior leaders to account with respect to the achievement of strategic objectives in relation to teaching and learning, including the delivery of actions within the Group’s quality improvement plan
  • To review reports of inspections and other quality assessments and to monitor the implementation of action plans and in particular to consider:
  • Group Self-Assessment
  • Teaching and Learning Reviews
  • Quality Control of Franchised Provision
  • To oversee the quality of apprenticeships and other non core activities, including commercial and international activities
  • To monitor trends with respect to enrolment and make recommendations to the Board (when appropriate) with respect to curriculum planning
  • To consider and contribute to planning associated with major strategic curriculum issues
  • To make recommendations and provide advice to the Board with respect to quality issues
  • To consider and monitor outcomes of student surveys and student focus groups
  • To consider, and if necessary oversee management’s response, to issues raised by student members and the student voice
  • To receive reports on Government and other national initiatives related to Curriculum, Quality and student engagement and consider the Group’s strategies/responses
  • To receive reports with respect to the quality of the Group’s HE curriculum offer, including the annual HE report
  • To oversee the Group’s policies in relation to the professional development and performance of teaching and lecturing staff
  • To monitor the delivery of the Equity and Inclusion Strategy (including the Single Equity Scheme)

Reporting to the Board

A quality report is a standing item on each Board agenda and will be considered as part of the substantive section. Recommendations and outcomes from discussions of the Committee meetings will be included within the report.

Financial Limitations

The Committee has no delegated financial powers.

Queen's Award for Enterprise
FE Team of the Year