Students Reach Top Destinations on A Level Results Day - CCCG
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Students Reach Top Destinations on A Level Results Day

City and Islington College students performed above and beyond this year, improving significantly on last year’s A Level grades at the highest level. Top achievers have seen the number of passes at A* improve 33% on last year’s figures, helping more students into some of the country’s most prestigious universities. 

Students Reach Top Destinations on A Level Results Day

Across the board, a 94% pass rate for the 16-18 age bracket is a fantastic result on par with 2018’s numbers. This comes in spite of harder exams, with excellent progression opportunities in store for City and Islington College students.

Director of the Sixth Form College Peter Murray said: “Congratulations to all our students and their teachers for the hard work that went into today’s results.

“City and Islington Sixth Form College is London’s major A Level centre and hundreds of our students will be making plans for university this morning and looking forward to a new chapter in their lives. This was the first year where all our A Level students sat the new, more challenging, linear exams so I’m pleased that the grades are similar to last year’s, with a 94% pass rate.

“More of our students achieved the highest A* grade this year and we know that our highest achieving students have gained entry to some of the most competitive universities such as Cambridge, King’s College and the London School of Economics.

“Students in 13 of our subjects achieved 100% pass rates and I’ve been particularly impressed with the results in Performing and Visual Arts; we know lots of our students will now be progressing to some of the best Art schools in the country.

“University isn’t the only option, however, and I’m delighted to see students also progressing to some really exciting apprenticeships this year. We have a fantastic careers team here at the Sixth Form College and they will be busy today supporting students and helping them make the best decisions, whatever grades they have achieved.”

Vice Principal Tracy Stuart went on to say: “We are delighted to celebrate our student success today – it is a recognition of their hard work and commitment, along with the passion of our staff to teach and support them.

“Many of our students across the college will be embarking on new career paths at some of the best universities in the country. Others will be starting Apprenticeships or entering the workplace, having experienced some of the best preparation possible for their careers. We are incredibly proud of all our students.”

Among the top performers in this year’s results Aaron Cuthbertson, 18, who will be going on to do a degree apprenticeship in Software Engineering with Queen Mary University of London after achieving three A*s in Maths, Further Maths and Computer Science.

He said: “I’m very pleased with my results. It doesn’t get much better. I felt as confident as you can during the exams. I just tried to stay focus on the content and worry about the results later.

“I’ve probably done more revision than most students like to, but it’s clearly paid off. I had already been through the apprenticeship assessment process and got a place as long as I got A, A, B, so I was perhaps a little less nervous than some other people today.

“I chose CANDI because it gave me a lot of independence. It was very flexible and let me pursue a lot of projects and extra-curricular things outside of lessons, which were very enjoyable.”

Also among the students attaining high grades was Chakira Alin, 18, who is heading to the University of Cambridge to study English after getting two A*s in Sociology and History and an A in English Literature.

“I’m so happy because all the stress has paid off, and I got my grades for university. I felt really apprehensive over the past few days but it’s all done now and I’m delighted,” she said.

“I chose to come to CANDI because it seemed really bigger and more inclusive than my old sixth form, and the environment here seemed fun and I’m glad I came.

“The lessons were really good and interactive. They make sure you understand and checking on you all the time, which is what you need as a student.”

Another student, Gian Sanghera-Warren, 18, is heading to Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance after gaining three A*s in English, History and Philosophy and an A in Drama.

He said: “I’m feeling great. I wasn’t expecting it, so I’m pleasantly surprised. The pressure really came this morning.

“I really enjoyed my time at CANDI. I’ve enjoyed meeting all the new people and I found the more in-depth study really enriching. The relationships I had with all my teachers were really positive.”

Camay Davis-McCauley, 18, attained two As in English and Media Studies and a B in Psychology and is heading to the University of Sussex to study Journalism.

“My exams went okay but I never thought I would get an A in Media Studies. I thought a C because that exam was hard. I thought if I got three Bs I would be happy, so to get these results – I can’t believe it!

“I remember at the start of the year I spoke to my teacher and said, ‘Imagine if I get an A in English,’ and she said, ‘Don’t imagine, you can do it.’ English was the hardest subject and the one I cared about most, and I got an A.

“If you have a passion for your subject you will enjoy it. I had good teachers as well and they really supported us.”


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