01Founders Check-in - Capital City College Group
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01Founders Check-in

Venue: 01 Founders Campus
Start Time: 12:00pm
End Time: 01:00pm

Immerse yourself in our innovative coding school, discover our unique pedagogy and be inspired as you meet our current students!

Join us for an exciting in person Check-In at London’s unique, teacher-less coding school! Discover the future of tech education as we showcase our innovative curriculum, current learner projects, and give you a tour of our campus.

Engage with our staff and talented students, and learn about our exciting new apprenticeship programme. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, aspiring coder, or curious learner, our programme requires no previous experience or academic qualifications to join.

01Founders offers a free, peer-to-peer, project-based education in software development. Prepare yourself for an exciting adventure into the realms of coding and technology!

0 1 Founders learning style:

S tudents at 01F learn by working together collaboratively to solve problems on our gamified platform. There are no teachers, no timetables and no fees throughout our programme. This unique style of learning not only teaches students high-quality tech skills, but it also enables learners to practice and develop soft skills critical for today’s workplace. At the core of our programme, students will learn how to learn.

The 4 key learning areas at 01Founders:

1. Technical skills: Backend and frontend development, problem-solving + algorithm design, functional programming, parallel computing, technology integration, TCP/IP, statistics, network and systems administration.

2. Specialisations: Data and databases, AI, game development, AR, Mobile development, DevOps and Cybersecurity, Blockchain

3. Technologies: Html, JS, SQL, GraphQL, Docker, Css, Rust,C , Shell, PHP, Python, Ruby, Javascript,Node.js C#, C++, React.

4. Critical soft skills necessary for today’s digital world: The ability to collaborate with people different from themselves, progress using almost zero resources, become autonomous when facing a not-seen-before challenge, and learn and pick up new concepts quickly.

Queen's Award for Enterprise
FE Team of the Year