Summer Bash - Capital City College Group
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Summer Bash

Venue: 01 Founders Campus
Start Time: 04:00pm
End Time: 07:00pm

Discover how 01F talent solutions provide companies with a cost-effective, flexible, and innovative workforce for immediate business needs

A Celebration of Success, Awards, and Networking

01Founders Summer Bash is back.

This exclusive event promises to be a celebration, networking, exceptional food, and a unique opportunity for businesses to engage and recruit the next generation of emerging talents within the digital and tech industry.

We anticipate the presence of over 80 prominent figures, which will create an exceptional environment for meaningful connections, discussions and collaboration all in a relaxed enviorment.

A must-attend?

Talented Students: Hear inspiring stories from our talent who bring fresh perspectives and valuable skills to the industry and over 50 candidates ready for immediate work. Help us celebrate their success as we will be holding an award ceremony for the top achievers.

Distinguished speakers: Our guests will share their experiences and insights on how apprenticeships and internships can help you build a skilled and productive workforce with NO recruitment cost and fully funded to start-ups and SMEs.

Discover and Learn: Our unique peer-to-peer coding school equips candidates with technical skills and the right attitude to thrive in business. We help companies unlock tomorrow’s talent today. Our talent services connect employers with diverse and skilled individuals.

Don’t miss this opportunity to meet your future workforce at 01F Summer Bash.

Queen's Award for Enterprise
FE Team of the Year