Taster Day: A Levels - Capital City College Group
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Taster Day: A Levels

Venue: Westminster Kingsway College - King's Cross Centre
Start Time: 11:00am
End Time: 02:00pm

WestKing taster days allow you to learn more about your chosen subject and gain an insight into college life with interactive sessions

Taster Day: A Levels

At Westminster Kingsway College’s A-Level Taster Day, you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the academic environment by participating in a range of taster sessions, each lasting 30 minutes.

Selecting up to four subjects of interest allows you to meet with the teachers, students and managers. This experience provides you with a comprehensive overview and a genuine feel for the subjects you might pursue, facilitating an informed decision about your future studies.

At our Taster Days, you can also find out more about:

  • Student life at WestKing
  • Enrichment activities
  • Student Support

You will also have the opportunity to meet other students who share your interests.

We look forward to welcoming you to our King’s Cross Centre!

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